Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Paperless Challenge - Link Up!

I am so excited to link up with Eberopolis for her latest challenge.  And you should be, too!

I swear, she must have read my mind.  I was just talking to some other teachers and getting more and more intrigued by the idea of a paperless classroom.  I am not sure I can imagine it truly being paperless, but I could certainly use a little less waste in our room.  And, I am all for embracing the digital age.  So, let's do this.

I've been using Evernote this year (which I looove), but there is so much more I need to learn to truly utilize all of its capabilities.  And I have been a HUGE fan of DropBox for the last several years.  Life simplified.

I've also really like aspects of Google Docs / Google Drive.  I think my teaching life changed a little the time I planned a class party and had parents sign up for what they were bringing on a Google spreadsheet that was update in realtime...instead of having 25 people sign up to bring spoons and no one bring food!  A realtime spreadsheet.  Where had that been all my life?!

Next on my list - check out GoodReader and Edmodo.

Any great tools your class uses that embrace being paperless?  Do tell!  I'm ready to learn!

Head on over to Eberopolis, and check out her site.  And link up, too!


  1. Thank you so much for linking up! Evernote has to be my all-time favorite tool, and I know that so far, I've just been scratching the surface of its capabilities. I'm excited to share the new tricks that I've learned, and feel free to chime in with your tips and tricks, too!

    All of the other tools that you've mentioned are definitely awesome parts of the paperless toolkit, too.

    Good luck!
    Eberopolis: Teaching Reading & Writing with Technology

  2. I would LOVE to go paperless. The amount of paper in my building is insane! I just don't know how I would do it in a classroom... esp. with giving a test : )
